Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Why the RGPD register is mandatory for a company ?

The interactions between the different companies result in the handling of personal and sometimes professional information of many people. The protection of this information prevents it from being used well without the owners’ knowledge and for the wrong purposes. Since May 2018, this protection is implemented by the application of the RGPD everywhere on the European continent. What does it really consist of? ? Does it effectively solve the problem of protecting user information ? Find some answers in this article !

What’Is the RGPD register for companies ?

Defined as the General Data Protection Regulation, the RGPD is a set of legal provisions, intended to manage efficiently the data of users throughout the EU’European Union. It was mainly set up to establish the rights of the persons, and to put in front of their responsibilities the persons who treat the data.

At this level, many people have difficulty understanding the concept of personal data. However, it simply takes into account the information relating to an identified or identifiable individual. The identification phase takes into account two aspects: the direct (name and surname and other personal information) and the indirect (number, identifier, or other attribute).

We therefore speak of processing of personal information when, for example, we collect contact details of leads via questionnaires, or the maintenance of customer or supplier files. This obligation now extends to all subcontractors who are also required to keep RGPD.

These structures must therefore transmit the data entirely to the structures for which they work. Also, the RGPD register requires companies to ensure that user data is fully secured. This information can only be saved after prior consent of the user.

What does this document include ?

The RGPD register is a document that must contain some important information such as:

  • The identity of the person responsible for the processing of personal data and all parties involved in the handling of such information.
  • The categories of information processed.
  • The different uses made of the data.
  • Who has access to it and with whom it is shared.
  • How long the data will be kept.
  • The system put in place to secure the data.

The nature of the elements that we can see clearly shows the advantages of having a register of user data processing. In reality, this register is the solution in case of leakage of sensitive information about a user. It allows in this type of situation to have a precise idea of the persons having at one time or another, manipulated the data, but also the destinations to which the information was sent.

From when the register is mandatory ?

Certain characteristics make it mandatory for companies to keep a RGPD register. All companies with more than 250 employees are obliged to keep a register of personal user data processing. But Article 9 of the RGPD stipulates that all non-occasional processing must be included in an up-to-date register.

The company is also obliged to keep an RGPD register when it handles user data whose uncontrolled exploitation entails risks of violation of freedoms of the owners of these data. But this is not all ! RGPD record keeping becomes mandatory when the personal data processed is related to judicial sentences or offenses.

What is the penalty for a company s’it is not up to date’is not up to date ?

The law has provided penalties for failure to maintain the RGPD registry. And it is the person responsible for the data processing who will be found guilty. The penalty can be a fine of up to 10 million euros or 2% of the turnover of the previous year of the company in violation. But this is not necessary’don’t stop there !

In the case of larger violations, such as misapplication of the registry rules, companies must pay fines that can range up to 20 million euros or 4% of global turnover. In some extreme cases, even criminal proceedings are possible.

With all these risks, companies are well advised to keep their RGPD registers up to date. It is enough to treat the information with tact and security. An official website provides information on the correct procedure for the implementation of the RGPD in his company.

Finally, it is important to know that the RGPD register has been an obligation for a few months now for companies located in the’European Union. Respecting this provision allows to locate the responsibilities in case of leakage of personal information, or misuse of sensitive data. Then do what is necessary to avoid the penalties provided by law, in case of non-compliance with the maintenance of a RGPD register.

By admin